
De Warhammer - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum

Dieu de la Nature et des Lieux Sauvages.

  • Domaine d'influence : La nature et les contrées sauvages.
  • Fidèles : les sorciers d'Ambre, les paysans et les forestiers.
  • Offrandes favorites : Gibier frais, branche de houx.
  • Sacrifices favorits : La première pièce de chaque chasse.

Frère et époux de Rhya, frère d'Ulric, père de Manann, Véréna, Mόrr et de Khaine (dont la mère est Écate). Premier fils de La Mère. Taal est le dieu de la bestialité et de la tempete. Son pouvoir s'étend sur le vent et la pluie et commande cascades, rapides, avalanches et glissements de terrain. Taal est le maître de la chasse sauvage, ainsi que le seigneur des bêtes, des forêts et des montagnes. Tous lieux sauvages sont sous sont controle et ceux qui veulent s'aventurer dans son royaume sont convaincus de lui montrer le respect qui lui est du sous peine d'encourir son courroux. Taal est généralement représenté comme un homme sculptural possedant d'une longue chevelure sauvage, habillé de peaux de bêtes, et coiffé d'un crâne de cervidé en guise de casque. Il prend aussi parfois l'apparence d'un cerf géant, d'un grand bison ou d'un sanglier. Il existe une controverse entre les Elfes Sylvains et les Humains quant à la nature de Taal. Pour les Elfes, Taal n'est qu'un amalgame de differents esprits elfiques comme Torothal, la maitresse de la pluie et des rivières et de Karnos le seigneur des bêtes. Les Humains considèrent eux que les esprits elfiques ainsi que Karog, le dieu des rivières sont des aspects de Taal. Encore plus controversée est la vision que portent les Druides de la foi antique sur Taal, comme le dieu cervidé, uni à La Mère. Pour eux, le dieu cervidé est associé aux rites de fertilité de Beltane (equinox de printemps).

Symboles et costumes du culte (a traduire)

Initiates and Priests identify themselves with the following symbols: stag skull or stylized human head with antlers (representing Taal's aspect as lord of the beasts), or stone axe (for his aspect as weather god) with which Taal is said to use to cause thunder, lightning, and avalanches. Priests wear robes of grey, dark brown, and drab green decorated with one or more of his symbols. Token is a wooden medallion with either golden antlers or silver stone axe device. Cult token may also be of other natural symbols: trees, mountain peaks, etc. Scouts (Society of the Bear) identify themselves with the symbol of a bear, bear's paw, or necklace of bear teeth. They tend to wear hooded cloaks and clothing befitting those living with nature, usually colored with browns and greens.

Zone d'Influence (a traduire)

Taal is worshipped throughout the wilds of the Old World, especially in the north and east (notably Bretonnia, the Empire, Norsca, and Kislev). Most of Taal's followers are the hunters, trappers, and others who depend on the natural world. In some quarters, the worship of Taal is intermingled with that Rhya, goddess of fertility. There are even some Elementalists who worship Taal, usually those whose beliefs are centered upon living harmony with nature, rather than manipulating it through sorcerous magicks.

Amis et Ennemis (a traduire)

Friendly with the cults of Rhya, Ulric, and Manann. Friendly, but wary, to the cult of Earth Mother. Neutral towards the other cults of the Young Gods. Tolerance to the cults of the Elder Races, except those of the Wood Elves which border on antipathy. Enemies of the Dark Children, Humanoid Daemonic, and Chaos cults.

Temples et Sanctuaires (à traduire)

The vast majority of the temples to Taal are in, or on the edges of, the wilderness. As there is no recognized center of worship, each temple is usually self-reliant and generally does not have much contact with any other. Temples to Taal are generally circular and built of rough, unmortared stone with conical roofs. The oldest temples, which are found in the northern Empire (the largest of which is located outside of Wolfenburg in Ostland), have timber-framed roofs covered with thatch or turf. Containing only a circular, central hearth, temples of Taal are empty. There are no statues, altars, seats, nor any other furnishings. The hearth is built up from the floor in two or three rows of stone walling and usually faced with bison or bear skulls. Shrines of Taal take several forms from miniature temples to sacred grooves like those utilized by the cult of the Earth Mother. Grooves of Taal are marked by a skull of a stag, bison. or bear hung on the oldest (and largest) tree. Mountain shrines take the form of a cairn topped by the skull of a stag, bison, or bear. As a sign of respect, it is customary for all passers-by to add a stone to the cairn.

Ordres Consacrés (a traduire)

Société de l'Ours

A secret society dedicated to Taal and his role of protector of the wild places, the Society of the Bear are scouts whose skills in the wilderness exceed most men. Individual Bear members are hired to escort small and large parties (up to small armies) through the wilderness. Their only requirement is that those who are being led do nothing to despoil the realm of Taal. Any group who fail to heed this requirement may find themselves led to, and abandoned in, the deepest and most isolated part of the wilderness. There these offenders will face the displeasure of Taal.

Personnages Importants

(à completer)

Jours Sacrés (a traduire)

The principal holy day dedicated to Taal is the spring equinox, which marks the awakening of nature after its winter slumber. Minor festivals and observances occur during the summer and winter solstices, and the autumn equinox.

Héros et Saints (à corriger)

Saints and heroes of Taal are usually great huntsman, trappers, and priests whose knowledge of the wilderness and skills at dealing with its dangers are legendary. One of these was Wolfgang Jäger, a priest who undertook the task of ridding the forest village of Altwald of the scourge preying upon its people. For eight weeks Jäger stalked his prey. The elusive creature continued to kill, but in a way that taunted Jäger. Then on Geheimnistag 1652 IC, Jäger caught up to his quarry. Over the next eight days Jäger battled a giant Minotaur, a creature whose height reached twenty feet, the largest on record. At times, the hunter became the prey and the quarry became predator. Finally, Jäger gained the upper hand and slew the Chaos creature. He returned to the devastated village with the head and skin of the vile creature.


(à completer)

Commandements(a traduire)

Never harm any animal except in self-defense, for food, for need, or sacrifice. Obey the laws of nature and only take as food the weak and sick, never the fit or strong. Protect the natural world from destruction at the hands of those who would despoil the wilderness. Give back to nature an equal measure of what one receives from it. Always respect the animals of the wild, regardless of whether they are prey or predator. All Initiates and Priests must ritually hunt and capture an animal for sacrifice to Taal. The sacrifice must be performed once per month during the dark of the moon. In addition, all Priests must spend seven days and seven nights each year living alone in the wilderness such as a forest or mountain. They must begin their vigil on the winter solstice, communing with nature throughout and subsiding on whatever they catch. Further, all Initiates and Priests are prohibited from wearing metal armor, but they may use shields and any type of weapon except firearms and explosives.

Au-delà (a traduire)

After death, the spirit of the deceased enters a wooded paradise. In an eternal climate of mid-spring, the spirit finds rest after a life of toil and hardship. Here, the spirit communes with nature and is at peace. At times, spirits may engage in activities such as hunting, even though the quarry is never killed. The hunt, in this case, represents the thrill of the stalk and pursuit of prey, not the final felling. In addition, the spirit can assume any animal form and shapechange continuously as they desire. Some will do so to match wits with another who is in the role of the hunter.


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